Board Meetings WDVX

The WDVX Board of Directors or its Executive Committee have monthly meetings.


Full Board meetings as well as Executive and other committees are usually held at Barley’s, 200 East Jackson Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37902. Individuals interested in attending should contact the WDVX General Manager to arrange access at (865) 544-1029 or

Proposed meeting dates for 2024, meet at 5:30PM either by telephone or at Barley’s, 200 East Jackson Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37902. Please see date for place:

May 21 – Executive Committee

June 18 – Full Board

July 16 – Executive Committee

August 20 – Full Board

September 17 – Executive Committee

October 22 – Full Board

November 19 – Executive Committee

December – No meeting scheduled